EFR Emergency First Responder
Upcoming EFR Classes
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You will learn what you need to know to get a heart started again and breathe for someone in serious trouble. We also cover AED hands on use so that you know how to operate these ever more available life saving machines. Unlike other CPR courses you are not expected to pump a perfect "chart". Instead the EFR philosophy is to get hands on fast and provide CPR as well as you can until medical help arrives. Also included is EFR Secondary Care that is a very complete first aid course . You are trained to deal with cuts, scrapes and bruises all the way up to arterial bleeding, broken bones, burns and other serious injuries and illnesses.
The course is taught in two formats: one for for adults the other for children. The basic adult course requires self study and two evenings of hands-on practical instruction and practice. To take EFR for Children you must have done the Adult course and there will be another night of class .
EFR satisfies the requirements for most work-place required training in CPR, AED and first aid. These are very rewarding courses and may turn out to be the most important classes you've ever taken. Be ready to help in an emergency with confidence, skills and knowledge.
Cost: Adult $60 / For Children $20
NWA Adventure Dive
You can save a life!
If you are a parent, have friends or family, or are a human that occasionally hangs out with other humans how can you justify NOT taking a course to save a life or assist in an emergency? Things are not always perfect - accidents and illness can happen to anyone at any time!
These series of courses are NOT JUST FOR Divers.In fact we recommend that every one take at least one of these classes! The primary course will teach you the basics of CPR - this is called EFR Primary Care.
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